I am writing to you to request prayer for my friend Bobby Yrigoyen and his family. . . and for the young soul of Joaquin. . . i received the following email on friday night. Friends and family of Bobby - put this event together - i just ask for your prayers for Bobby especially!! also if you could keep a young man by the name of james, in prayer - he was feeling suicidal the beginning of this week. thank you & god bless!! - jackie b.
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Running For Dear Life is a Spirit led, up and coming fundraising ministry to help bring awareness to the sanctity and beauty of life. Though a sad time, we are honored to sponsor our first event in raising money to honor the life of a beautiful little baby boy named Joaquin. A little over a month ago, Joaquin was adopted by my friend Robert (BOBBY) Yrigoyen...amazing! Sadly, though beautiful and grace filled, the time spent together was a short one.Joaquin passed away Sunday night. 3/4(SIDS being the cause of death).Through this time of sorrow, grief, confusion, along with joyful memories, we come together as family and friends to be Christ to one another. In order to honor the life of Joaquin and raise funds for the funeral services, we will walk as a family around Legg Lake.
Meeting Time: 11:30 am.
Time we will begin walking: 12:15 pm
Walking Distance: Approx. 3 miles
Suggested Donation: $10 per person
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