
My niece who is off to college

I would like to offer prayers for my niece who is off to college in another state. She is leaving home for the first time. May our Lord Jesus keep her in the faith and steer her along the good paths always. I pray too that her parents find the strength in Jesus as they deal with the anxiety of having a child leave home.
-- JP in Raton


Anonymous said...

As a mother who has send 3 daughter off to college in the United States and abroad I know that God hears our prayers to keep our children safe. I will offer my prayers for your niece and all those who go away for the first time to school that they do not become overwhelmed at life they are unfamiliar with and they will open they eyes to the experiences that they will surely face and see the beauty of life. I will certainly pray also for their parents to help them experience their childrens journeys with a renewed presence for life.

Anonymous said...

Please help me pray for Mrs. Myrna Velasco, one of the kind hearted pioneer teachers of MoVal High. She lays in bed with a cancer, fighting to, once again get on her feet and continue to teach our younger generation. May GOD anoint her with his healing hands.